Definition of Nervine:

Neurotics and Nervines are agents acting on the nervous system. Includes:

Cerebral Excitants, Stimulants, Anti-spasmodics [ORWJr: ???]

These increase the functional activity of the brain without causing subsequent depression or suspension of the cerebral functions: valerian, asafetida, sumbul, musk, camphor, guarana, caffeine (theine), alcohol.

Cerebral Depressants, Sedatives

(L. sedare, sedates, to allay, calm, a pacifier, tranquillizer). - These lower or suspend the higher brain functions after a preliminary stage of excitement: [Culbreth1927, p 40-41].

Herbs used for nervous system disturbance and aim to normalize function of the nervous system. Can be stimulating or relaxing. (equal to nervous restoratives.) [Sanchez BOTM680].

Includes Sedative, Stimulant, Hypnotic, Soporific, Narcotic, etc. When possible, specify the more specific action [ORWJr].

An herb that is nourishing and soothing to the nervous system [FairyFile].

Nourishes the nervous system [Palmer2004].

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